Corkaine® Cup – 2nd Edition – 1 cup each – EXTRAS

Corkaine® Cups2nd Edition – 1 cup each – Choose from the following cup colors: Black, Silver, Gold, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue, and/or White.

SKU: corkaine-cup-v2 Category:



If you want to pick up a few extra cups, you can order them here.

The following cup colors are available for purchase: Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, Blue, White, Black, Red, Silver, and/or Gold.

Having a few extra cups allows you to:

1. Create new games with the additional cup colors.
2. Replace any cups that you misplaced or accidentally destroyed.
3. Have extra cups that you can drink out of while also looking cool!

Each cup is $2 each. Order as many or as little as you need.

IMPORTANT: These cups are for the new/upgraded Corkaine 2nd edition game sets only.