Giant Cork Pong is basically Cork Pong on steroids.
The object of this game is for both teams to work together to win all of the cups off of the gameboard and avoid as many punishments as possible for their team during the process. The team who makes their cork into a cup on the gameboard gets to remove that cup from the board AND they get to inflict 1 punishment of their choice (agreed to by both teams before the start of the game) onto ALL of the opposing team member(s). If the shooting team makes both of their corks in different cups then the shooting team gets to go again and ALL of the opposing team members must receive their punishments (1 punishment per cup won). If the team shooting makes both of their corks in the same cup during their turn, then the shooting team gets to go again and ALL members of the opposing team must receive DOUBLE their punishments (2 punishments per cork made into the single cup). The default punishments are the choice of pushups or planks, but teams are encouraged to be creative here. The game ends once all of the cups have been won off of the board at which time everyone wins since there are no more punishments to be given to opposing team member(s).