Corkhole is Corkaine’s version of the infamous game of Cornhole.
The objective of Corkhole is to score points by shooting your team’s corks into the GOLD cup (3 points), the SILVER cup (1 point), and onto the GAMEBOARD (1 point). The first team to score 21 or more points using the cancellation scoring method wins Corkhole!
GAMEPLAY: Both teams line up on the same side of the board as the SILVER cup. Teams then take turns shooting their 5 corks, one at a time, at the cups on the gameboard. Once all of the corks have been shot by both teams, the round ends and both teams approach the gameboard and calculate their points. For each cork that makes it inside of a cup or makes it onto the gameboard, it scores points (see the cup rules above for points). Since points are scored using the cancellation scoring method, only the awarded points (4 ORANGE POINTS – 3 YELLOW POINTS = 1 AWARDED ORANGE POINT) count and are scored for that round. Once these awarded points have been established, all of the corks are gathered up by both teams and a new round begins. Rounds of gameplay continue until one team scores at least 21 awarded points to win the game of Corkhole.